Leo Chetty

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Where does all the money go?

In a local newspaper there was this piece about a Durban businessman Leo Chetty who is going to be the first black South African to go into space on Sir Richard Benson’s SS2. He will be one of the very lucky 300 astronauts that have forked out about R2-million for the trip.


  1. There are approximately 10 000 Intec students that have paid but not received any study material. So at least we know where the money comes from!

  2. As a law abiding citizen and training provider, I am fed up with all the "affirmative action" candidates, who are able to liaise with our "Government" because they are BLACK and AUTOMATICALLY disadvantaged. If they were so disadvantaged where did they get all their "expertise" to become amongst others, Doctors, Specialists, you name it, when the 1994 elections was won?

  3. So... Where is everyone who are now ex-African Palace Casino employees?? Guys cmon, where are you hiding? WE"VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS FOR EVER!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I have had a gutsful of Denver Chetty. How can he sleep at night knowing that I am about to lose my house because he hasn't paid me, yet he can continue driving around in flashy cars without a care in the world. he has no conscience at all. Oneday someone will probably beat up this man black and blue and he deserves a good hiding. Let him oneday be in the same boat and see how he feels

  5. I ask the same question? How can he sleep at night knowing all the people that have lost so much money, let him drive his flashy car/s, there is an old saying "GODS WHEEL TURNS, IT TURNS SLOWLY, BUT SURELY" and believe me when it turns on Mr. Denver Chetty may GOD forgive him for what his done too so many people or person/s!I just feel very sorry for him as GOD has a funny way of bringing people to their knees!!!

  6. They are dirty, unethical bastards.

  7. And did i forget to mention thieves?! Oh, the theft is unspeakable of.

  8. Denver is a faggot. He loves a good d1ck in his throat. Leo will shag anything that moves. They sit in their multimillion dollar properties and eat tripe and trotters. Keeping it real, i guess. Oh, and you can definitely slug denver in the shnoz. He cant fight. He's just full of threats. Try it. Hit him and you will see the little girl in him come out crying.

  9. These ou's give chaarous a bad name. Chee!

  10. Intec, Damelin, Icesa, Billford Investments, TBFD Media, African Palace Casino, Indio Casino, Lotus Loans, Educor, Big Sky Trading & a host of other companies are all owned by LEO CHETTY, DENVER CHETTY & LEONA CHETTY.I unfortunatley worked for these bunch of rogues that have no remorse for anybody & only want to line their pockets. They live it up with all their flashy cars ie: Leo's Lamboghini, Porche etc. And now word is that they had bought an actual casino somewhere in the Cape For around R100m. Beleive you me! Nothing will happen to these bunch of fuckers becoz Leo is well connected with all the right people in the government. I'm sure of this becoz after Carte Blanche did their expose on African Palace. What happend? NOTHING!!!!!!!!. Thats coz they have paid off the right people. Denver is a FAG & LEO will "do" anything that has 2 legs. GUYS! Trust me! I know these wankers for years & they are old in this game so we can harp all we want but nothing will come off it. Atleast we can thank the people that created this site for us to atleast "vent" our frustrations & know that we are not alone & are not the only people that LEO & his cronies have screwed over.

  11. Rightly said. If anyone can give you dirt on this site about those filthy bloodsucking dogs its ex-staff of African Palace. We've seen it ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep em' coming...

  12. Lets get a count of "How many women Leo Chetty has Shagged?" You can just comment yes with something original (creativity is up to you)

    For the purpose of keeping women well informed.

  13. Leo is paying ICESA lecturers a salary less than R7000.00 This dude forgets that these lecturers went to varsities and have spent alot of money for their studies....If I may asked 2 this dude CAN HE MAKE LIFE WITH SUCH CENTS? This dude doesn't appreciate the hard work these lecturers offer to his business!!!!!!!

  14. Dale Chaplin( chief commercial officer)Educor SAMarch 13, 2011 at 11:14 PM

    thank u for all your posts.If you have an issue with INTEC COLLEGE or any Educor brand you are more than welcome to contact me ..Dale.Chaplin@Educor.co.za or call me on 0716046933 .Our office address is 4th floor Educor house 92 Overport Drive Durban South Africa. if you would like to contact Mr Leo Chetty his no is 0832316055. his office address is the same. We are always available to help anyone.his email is Leochetty@educor.co.za

  15. Natalie Hopkins (Natalie.hopkins@educor.co.za)March 13, 2011 at 11:18 PM

    why is it so difficult that if you people have all these problems with them,but you dont take it further. We (staff)represent Mr Leo Chetty and this is his telephone no and his office address,,4th floor Educor House 92 overport drive Durban South Africa. cell 0832316055 office 031 2519300

    March 13, 2011 10:32 PM

  16. Rakesh Patel - General Manager of Damelin Correspondence College said...
    I have been employed by Educor for the past ten years, both under Media24 Management and the new Educor Management, and I can verify that the new team has the best interests of their students at heart. Since the acquirement of Educor in 2007, immensely positive changes have been put into place, and the company has been turned around.
    Any student or potential student who has a query should contact Educor directly on (031) 251 9300, or visit Educor House at 92 Overport Drive Durban. You can also email me directly for more information on rakesh@icg.edu.za.

  17. brenton49@gmail.comMarch 16, 2011 at 4:03 PM

    All of the allegations contained in this blog are untrue and unsubstantiated. You can email me on brenton49@gmail.com for further verification.

  18. Anonymous again.....Hello ,with 80 000 students enrolling through corresponce each year and an excessive growth in 2010 and 2011 you can always expect to have problem areas. we are the first to say we are not 100% but we will strive to service and satisfy any student that has a problem.if theres any student that currently still has a problem , please email me at dale.chaplin@educor.co.za

  19. Oh stop the bullshit ass suckers, please! Nothings changed since ICESA days! You douchebags know that very well!!! And no, posting your name and details is a definate no-no because you never know what these wankers(denver and leo) are capable of!

  20. The money goes to buy the porsches, lamborghinis, millions of rands worth of houses in 12 Vause Road and North Ridge Road, Durban, private schooling at Clifton College, Overseas holidays...but the bulk of it of course is sent out the country to their Laiki Bank account in Cyprus....illegally!
    Why would honest, hardworking citizens (like the Chettys claim to be) need to have 24 hour guards protecting their homes, businesses, etc....if they were so honest, why would say that they have shut down their casino operations when they have actually not shut down at all but move the base for their illegal casino to Namibia to avoid the SA authorities. Wake up SARS and the NGB, these guys r SA citizens and should pay their dues or be locked up!

  21. The CORRECT address is No.12 VERNON ROAD (OFF SILVERTON ROAD) Musgrave. Oooohhh the money.... millions and bajillions.... mostly accumulated by robbing people, students, employees. Honesty is a word you will never find in the chetty dictionary.

  22. Leo Chetty likes 4somes, true story!! But Is he married? (I ask)

    Following the stereotype of every business man, i suppose.

  23. It should not concern you if Leo likes a 4some, anyway if he did thats awsome dont you agree and whether he is married or not is not your concern. He is gods creation and only god has the priveledge to comment.He is not a stereo type you may not be a business man, but who knows maybe your having a 8some, would you like me to find out and air your stories out here on the net. Has for you employees if you price you own services cheaply, dont blame Leo for it he didnot force you to work there at that salary i am sure they did ask you what you were worth, guys work on your own worth before you go for an interview.If Leo and Denver are that bad i don't think you want to find out what their capabilities are, woman have rights and if they enjoyed being shagged by Leo i think they were fortunate and he just got lucky no man on earth is owned by anybody, woman come and go so what its not like they did not want to be shagged by Leo, Leo is a man what would you like him to do with them hopefully not marry every one, hell no.Oh i can guarantee you Leo is not filthy he can afford to bath and he is not a blood sucking dog, I think Leo looks very much human, to me. As for the word faggot i'll check up that word and then comment on what the guy means another time, if i had only known nuts like you people existed before. Leo you are a bad, bad, bad, boy whats all this nonsense.Make sure you enjoy work and not worry about these terrible comments.

  24. Leo is a moffie. Gets other people to fight his battles.

  25. What happened with this expose?

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. These blog posts.. How many of them are by the people who stole money?

  28. There is Balan Chetty Loans opened in the Lotus Loans building… Is Balan the next Leo?
